FAQs & Tour

We know you wouldn’t trust your pet with just anyone, so we want you to feel comfortable and have all the information you need. If you have questions that aren’t answered here, please let us know! We’d be happy to answer any of your questions.
Monday—Friday: 7:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m
Saturday: Lobby closed except by Appointment only for drop-off and pick-up.
Sunday: Lobby closed except by Appointment only for drop-off and pick-up.
M-F: 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. or 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. or 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
*Before/After normal business hours pickup/dropoff fee: $10.
*For Boarding, a new boarding day starts at 12:00pm, after 12:00pm pickup fee $15.
Yes. It is required for your pet to have current vaccinations before they can attend their appointment or reservation. All new vaccinations should be given a minimum of one week prior to your boarding or daycare reservation.
Dogs (including puppies four months and older): Rabies, DHPP, and Bordatella
Cats: Rabies, FELV, and FVRCP
All pets who participate in Daycare Groups, are required to be spayed or neutered by 1-year of age. After 1-year of age, unaltered dogs can engage in Enrichment Daycare while they are here. Click here to learn more about the benefits of Enrichment Daycare for your pet!
A one-time assessment of your dog is required before they can Board or enroll into Daycare because safety is our top priority. Safety of staff, the new dog and all dog’s in our facility is our top concern.
During the assessment, we evaluate your dog’s play style, behavior in different situations and temperament with staff and other dogs, all to determine what your dog is most comfortable with, so every pet can have a safe and fun experience.
Our Daycare assessments are not pass or fail. We will discuss the evaluation day and recommend the Daycare Program that sets your pup up for a successful visit and a well-balanced day of play when they are here for boarding or daycare.
Since assessments include pet care and individualized attention from our highly trained Pet Assessment Specialists, we charge the same rate as Daycare for the initial Assessment.
Call us to discuss our assessment process and make your pet’s appointment today! 712-944-5414.
Pawsitive’s heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system in the boarding areas, is above the pet industry standard. It’s a state of the art ventilation system designed specifically for pet facilities where the system filters fresh air in every ten minutes, performing six air changes per hour which greatly helps to prevent air borne diseases, germs and odors. Proper ventilation for cats and dogs is vitally important as it helps prevent disease, germs and odors by ensuring fresh air circulation.
If the illness is contagious, the pet is not allowed until cleared by a veterinarian. However, depending on the illness, yes we can care for your pet.
Cancellations during Peak Times: Reservations and appointments can be canceled up to 14-Days before the day of the reservation or appointment. If canceling your pet’s reservation or appointment within 14-Days, the deposit is non-refundable unless it is an emergent situation.
Cancellations during Non-Peak Times: Reservations and appointments can be canceled up to 48-Hours before the day of the reservation or appointment. If canceling your pet’s reservation or appointment within 48-Hours, the deposit is non-refundable unless it is an emergent situation.
If Rescheduling: your pet’s reservation or appointment to within 60-Days of original date, the deposit is applied to the rescheduled reservation or appointment.
The deposit is not an additional fee, it is non-refundable and will be applied to the balance owed once the service is complete.
Yes, tours of the facility are allowed. Contact us to schedule yours today; 712-944-5414.
While taking every precaution to keep your pet safe, accidents do happen. In the event an accident occurs with your pet, you will be notified immediately and we will make every effort to arrange with your preferred veterinarian for emergency care. However, if needed and depending on the circumstances your pet will be taken to a partner veterinary clinic who offers emergency services.
Your pet will be engage in activities, play, exercise, interact with staff and other dogs, and be engaged in mental, physical, and socially stimulating activities and exercise.
We require all vaccinations for your pet to be up-to-date, your pet spayed or neutered by 1-Year of age. Puppies are required to be 16-weeks (4-months) of age and have all vaccinations fully administered.
After 1-year of age, unaltered dogs can engage in Enrichment Daycare while they are here. Click here to learn more about the benefits of Enrichment Daycare for your pet!
If your pet is boarding with us, you will receive a daily email at the end of the day with a feeding and medication report. Daily report cards with pictures are available as an Add On for your pet with any Daycare or Boarding reservation.
We do post frequently to Pawsitive’s Facebook and Instagram. However, to guarantee you receive pictures of your pet while they are here with us, add-on a Daily Photo package and each day you will receive pictures of your pet enjoying their stay!
To join the Paws Pack, easily fill out the New Customer form through our website, and then submit the needed vaccination information. Or you can call us and we will happily assist you with signing you up so your pet can receive all the benefits of our services! 712-944-5414.
Once you’ve filled out and submitted all forms; for dogs, an assessment will need to be scheduled, and for cats you can make their boarding reservation through your client portal. The assessment day gives us a chance to meet your dog and find out their play styles. Not all dogs enjoy a group setting, however, they may enjoy specialized games. A complete report of our observations and recommendations will be sent home with every dog that attends the assessment day.
Canine (Kennel) Cough is common in dogs. It is the canine equivalent to the common cold or flu in humans. People tend to associate it with dogs that have recently been boarded, but your dog does not need to be boarded “kenneled” to catch Canine Cough.
Canine Cough is caused by an airborne virus, which is highly contagious. Just as children often contract colds by being exposed at school or daycare and adults at work, dogs can contract Canine Cough by being exposed at daycare, a boarding facility, a dog park, or just by greeting another dog in passing or sniffing a contaminated surface such as grass or the sidewalk.
Any time your dog is in the vicinity of an infected dog, the potential exists for infection. The incubation period is generally 7-10 days following exposure to the virus. Having a strong immune system and being up to date on the Bordetella vaccine is the best way to avoid contracting Canine Cough. Therefore, not every dog in a house, daycare, or boarding facility, will get it if there is an outbreak.
We do all that we can at Pawsitive Pet Services to keep your dog from getting Canine Cough. We require that all dogs be vaccinated, and we do not allow pets known to have Canine Cough to be at our facility.
However, just as is the case with the human cold, we cannot completely eliminate Canine Cough. Like the flu vaccine for people, the Bordetella vaccine is only effective about half of the time. There are different strains of Canine Cough that the vaccine may not protect against. Be aware that your dog can still catch Canine Cough even though they have been vaccinated. Also, a dog can carry the illness and spread it to others without displaying symptoms themselves. Therefore, we want you to be aware that despite all that we do here at Pawsitive Pet Services, Canine Cough is a common illness that may be contracted here, or anywhere else other dogs congregate.
The usual symptoms of Canine Cough include a dry “non-productive” cough that can begin suddenly. The dog will typically sound as if there is something stuck, or caught, in the throat and the coughing is an unsuccessful attempt to dislodge the object. Sometimes the coughing/gagging seems very violent. The episodes of coughing may go on for minutes at a time, and then be repeated at intervals. The dog can also cough up small amounts of phlegm during these episodes. One way that you can “test” for Canine Cough is to press gently on the throat, in the collar area. This will probably trigger some coughing, but not in all cases. Many times, the coughing is worse in the morning or evening, or right after playing.
If your dog displays symptoms of Canine Cough while attending daycare or being boarded, we will need to isolate your dog to keep the other dogs safe and healthy, and you will be notified immediately and asked to come pickup your dog. Your pet will be able to return to Pawsitive 3 days after all symptoms of Canine Cough have disappeared. This will help ensure they are no longer contagious. This can be frustrating because they may only cough once or twice a day, but that still means they are fighting off the virus. We apologize in advance for the inconvenience, we are dedicated to safety first and strive to make Pawsitive Pet Services the safest possible place it can be!
Preventing fleas and ticks is cheaper than controlling them once there is a flea infestation. Flea and tick prevention products that contain insect growth regulators (IGR) stops eggs and larvae from developing into adult fleas.
At least 95% of the flea population exists as eggs, larvae, and pupae that hide in carpets and yards while adult fleas make up only 1-5% of the flea population. Using flea control products with insect growth regulators (IGRs) doesn’t only stop the problem, but it also helps to prevent an infestation from occurring.
Unsure which flea and tick treatment is best for your pet? Use our guide to to help you find out “Which flea prevention is best for my pet?“
Preventing a flea and tick infestation
Flea and tick preventatives can help your pet avoid:
- Flea allergies
- Hot spots
- Biting adult fleas
- Skin infections
- Tapeworms
- Lyme disease
- Ehrlichia
- Rocky Mountain spotted fever
- Fleas and ticks in your home
Flea and tick prevention keeps your pet healthy. Your pet won’t pick up tapeworms or have flea bites that cause itching misery and flea allergy dermatitis. In addition, you can help prevent diseases that fleas and ticks carry such as Lyme Disease, ehrlichia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tick paralysis.
The canine body operates best in a very narrow temperature range – usually from 99 to 102 degrees. Above 109, and body systems will become severely damaged.
The dog’s temperature is tightly controlled by the hypothalamus, an area in the brain. Elevations in temperature can be caused either by endogenous factors (inside the body) or exogenous (outside).
Fever occurs when the hypothalamus resets the normal body temperature higher as a result of infection or inflammation. It is initially a beneficial response, as it enhances the ability of the immune system to destroy viruses and bacteria. With fever, trying to cool a dog down will not help, as the brain is controlling the body temperature. It will only lead to shivering as the body tries to rewarm to the new set point. This is uncomfortable and expends energy. Cooling is not recommended for fevers.
Heat stroke (hyperthermia) is caused by external factors such as a hot environment or overexertion in the heat. The brain set temperature is normal, but a dog is unable to cool effectively, and so body temperature rises.
Dogs cool by two mechanisms: evaporation and conduction. Evaporation of heat occurs with heavy panting. Conduction occurs when a hot dog lies on a cool surface and heat is transferred. Dogs sweat very minimally and only through their footpads, so this is not a significant means of cooling.
Heat stroke progresses through three stages. It begins with heat stress. Initially, a dog will pant heavily, seek a cool surface, and drink water to bring body temperature down.
If a dog cannot do these things or cannot do them effectively (such as when trapped in a hot car), heat stress develops into heat exhaustion. The panting becomes much faster, heart rate elevates, the gums become red and tacky, and body temperature is likely greater than 106 degrees.
If this goes unaddressed, heat stroke develops. Body temperature exceeds 109 degrees. A dog will vomit, have profuse diarrhea, begin to seizure, and collapse.
Most Susceptible Dogs
All dogs can have heat strokes, but some are more prone to developing problems. Brachycephalic breeds like Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, and Boxers are notorious for overheating. Due to breed-related airway abnormalities such as small nostrils, long floppy palates and tonsils, and narrow, weak windpipes, brachycephalic dogs can overheat very quickly.
However, Labradors and other breeds vulnerable to laryngeal paralysis, another obstructive upper airway disease, are also at significantly increased risk. Dogs with cardiac disease can be predisposed, as well.
Another consideration is whether a dog is conditioned enough to be in the heat. Dogs who are not accustomed to exercise and exert themselves in hot weather can suffer heat stroke very rapidly. This is especially true if they are overweight or elderly.
Most commonly, any dog left in an unventilated car in temperatures above 65 degrees can suffer from heat stroke. This is most often seen in the spring and summer.
Heat stroke is not immediate. Symptoms begin with heavy panting and restlessness. This progresses to weakness and collapse, followed by profuse vomiting and diarrhea (often bloody). As heat stroke continues, a dog will become extremely dull to non-responsive. Seizures can develop in the late stages. Red to purple spots and patches may become visible on the skin.
Once the heat stroke goes untreated, every body system becomes involved. Shock develops. This means decreased oxygen delivery to tissue, which eventually leads to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS).
In the kidneys, the renal tubules (responsible for conserving water and electrolytes) are damaged. Water, glucose, and electrolytes are lost instead of conserved. Potassium, instead of being excreted, is retained. High levels of potassium causes cardiac arrhythmias.
Take a Tour of our pet facility by viewing the images below or contact us to schedule your Tour today.
Contact Information
1911 Highway 20,
Lawton, Iowa 51030